

Makeup Movie Monday - Black Swan

Yesterday evening the bf and I went to see Black Swan. Thoughts on the movie aside, it was two hours of vacuous commentary from women behind and beside me. I won't go into too much detail but a direct quote from the evening includes: "sorry about the smell. It's my infection." The show we went to see was sold out so we hung around for a second screen thirty minutes later. I don't think I've ever been to a theatre so packed.

I digress.

The film? Were you wondering what I thought? Well... I loved it! L-O-V-E-D. The costumes, the makeup, it was so beautiful. Initially, I was expecting something really graphic, beautiful and slow. Every review told me how psychological it was.... And it is. Sorta. I don't think I can be descriptive without concern of ruining it. Please see it. 

Here is an interview with the head of makeup, Margie Durand and Judy Chin. I hope my career finds that kind of success... it would be a dream to put together the makeup for an entire movie like Black Swan.

Alas. One day.

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